
Masiphumelele (also known locally as "Site 5") is a largely Xhosa-speaking settlement where 20,000 people many of them migrants from rural areas have settled in mostly informal housing (2500 stands/shacks). There is high unemployment, quoted at 90% exacerbated by an influx of newcomers in an area where employment si at a premium.

Masiphumelele has a craft centre and theater, two schools and several churches. National and local government is deploying resources to empower the people of Masiphumelele aided by non-government organisations such as Habitat For Humanity.

The people of Masiphumelele posess a vibrant spirit despite the debilitating influences of crime, alcoholism and HIV/AIDS and other illness. Closer integration of these people into the relatively affluent local communities will enhance the lives of all in the area.

Community Projects

Valley Development Project
    (The Siyakhulisa Community Centre) provides a venue for community activities. In addition to the various projects that operate from this venue, the centre offers emergency and poor relief, counselling, advice and practical assistance.
    (Contact Mveleli Somtsevu, 
    tel/fax: 021 785 5198)
  • Sinika Ithemba HIV/AIDS Project
  • This project tackles the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS in Masiphumelele through
    awareness raising and education. Sinika Ithemba also provides counselling and support for those living with HIV and AIDS. (Contact Charlotte Swartbooi,
    tel/fax: 021 785 5198)
  • VDP Bakery and Vegetable Gardens
  • The bakery and vegetable garden operate in Masiphumelele, providing the unemployed with skills training, income generation and food production
    opportunities. (Contact Carol Hoedemaker, tel/fax: 021 785 5198)
  • Adult Literacy
  • This project teaches adults in Masiphumelele to read and write, preparing them to  write official examinations and receive a qualification that will make them
    employable. (Contact Mveleli Somtsevu, tel/fax: 021 785 5198) 
  • Food Aid Programme
  • This programme distributes food to a large number of disadvantaged pre-schools  in the Cape Peninsula. (Contact Carol Hoedemaker, tel/fax: 021 783 2807 or 021 785 5198)
Living Hope Community Centre - A church-based charity dealing with the HIV/AIDS pandemic

TEL: +27-21-785-5655
FAX: +27-21-785-2414
P.O. Box 1700

  • Civic Centre 021-785-2071
  • Bookings 021-788-7881
  • Ukhanyo Primary School

  • Ph: 021 785 2442 
    fax: 021 785 5632

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